Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “holidays

A week in Seville , Spain

Seville  Spain  Nigel Borrington

Nigel Borrington

Just returned from a great weeks Holiday in Seville , Spain.

What a wonderful and historic city it is with its great cycle friendly streets, churches, royal palaces and rivers. I will post more on individual places but for now here are just some on the many places I visited and images I took.





Irish Landscape photography , 7 days in county Kerry

Carrauntoohil County Kerry Irish Landscape Photography Nigel Borrington

County Kerry
Irish Landscape Photography
Nigel Borrington

Just returned from a seven day family Holiday in County Kerry, what a wonderful part of the world county Kerry is 🙂

I will share lots more images but here are just a few ……






Friday , Beach Photography day. – Taking some Easter down time :)

Irish Beach Photography County Waterford Nigel Borrington

Irish Beach Photography
County Waterford
Nigel Borrington

Over the next two weeks of the Easter Holidays, I am taking some Offline time, I just want to get the garden ready for the summer,read and walk and maybe visit a beach or two.

I just want to say thanks to everyone for all your great comments and likes here 🙂 🙂 over the months and I look forward to sharing much more of Ireland and reading your great posts when I get back online – have a great holiday period !!!

Friday Is Beach Photography day

Taking a Friday evening trip down to the beach’s along the Waterford coastline is something I love to do in the summer months and I am very much looking forward to doing so again this summer.

I hope to get lots more images to post and share here 🙂

Beach Photography , Friday

Some Downtime 3

Some Downtime 2

Some Downtime 4

“The Cottage” , with the freedom and the space! , A poem By : JW Harvey

The Red Cottage door Irish Landscape Photography : Nigel Borrington

The Cottage door by the lake
Irish Landscape Photography : Nigel Borrington

Over the years I have lived in Ireland, there are many places I have visited and stayed, many cottages in remote parts of the country.The one thing most have in common is that they are so remote that for most of the weeks stay it hard to get a mobile phone signal, even for just a simple call or text.

I recently found this great poem by JW Harvey, that I think reflects on the feelings that these problems create, that moment when you realize the world will not end if you cannot get Facebook or even text a friend. What follows for most is putting on your coat and get outside into the real world and your holiday begins.

This is the moment when you realize, its this disconnect you really came for !!!!

The Cottage

JW Harvey,
Sep 25, 2013

I sat by the lake
sipping coffee and feeding the ducks.
In between breadcrumbs,
I dialed his number.
“Your call could not go through.”
I grinned;
Could not, not would not.
Long since the city summers,

Irish cottage lake.

I finally found our stillwater space:
a sense of security that felt
as serene as my remote arcadia,
disturbed only by the footstrokes
of a hungry mallard passing by.
No breadcrumbs for him.

“Call failed.”
Call failed, not I failed,
and I picked apart the stale bagel
to dip in my coffee
and feed to the ducks.

Irish cottage window

Boating at the lake district

Lake District National Park 5
All images taken using a Nikon D7000, 18-200 VR2 lens.
Images from the English, Lake district national park
Landscape Photography : Nigel Borrington

The Lake district national park

I just want to spend sometime today away from Ireland, my fathers family are from the Windermere area in the lake district and until recent years we still had at least one relative living here. I have visited may times and enjoyed boating on the lakes here as much as possible.

So I just want to share some images I have taken during these trips, its a wonderful part of the UK and if you get a chance I would most definitely recommend you spend a week here.

Boating on the lakes – A Gallery

Lake District National Park 3

Lake District National Park 1

Lake District National Park 2

Lake District National Park 4