Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “Dublin

A sense of place : Trinity College, Dublin

Trinity Dublin 2

I just want to share in this post, a set of images taken at the end of May 2015 during a visit to Dublin including one of my favorite places to walk around and people watch, while having a coffee and some lunch to eat 🙂

Trinity College, Dublin

Trinity Dublin 1

Trinity Dublin 3

Trinity Dublin 6

Trinity Dublin 4

Trinity Dublin 5

Croke Park, Dublin : Kilkenny V Tipperary , 7th Sep 2014

Croke Park 2
Croke Park, Dublin
GAA stadium located in Dublin, Ireland
Photography : Nigel Borrington

I took the images here while spending a little time watching and photographing the Grounds men of Croke Park Dublin at work.

They are getting ready for the GAA Hurling, All Ireland, Senior Championship 2014 Final on the 7th. Kilkenny will face Tipperary once again in a battle between neighbouring counties.

Here is a detailed history of the Finals between these two side : Kilkenny V Tipperary


Croke Park 3

Croke Park 4

Croke Park 5

Croke Park 1

Peoples Art, Dublin 2014

Peoples art Dubin 1
Peoples Art, St, Stephens Green, Dublin
Dublin Street Photography : Nigel Borrington

About Peoples Art

At least once a year I try to visit the Peoples art exhibition and sale at St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin , this is a great day for an art lover as its one of the biggest open air art displays in Europe.

The images posted here are all taken on a very warm summers afternoon and I got lots of great images of the artists and their work along with getting to see some great painting and drawings from Landscapes to portraits.

Official information

People’s Art Dublin is a voluntary, part time, non profit making group, brought together by Dublin City Council to promote the visual arts to the public of Dublin. Each year after expenses are paid, donations are made to various charities.

The co-operation and assistance of Dublin City Council and The Office of Public Works ( OPW ) , which makes these events possible, is gratefully acknowledged by all the artists involved.

Any artist can apply to exhibit but there are some rules that apply, it costs each artist just €25.

Peoples art web site


Peoples art Dubin 2

Peoples art Dubin 3

Peoples art Dubin 4

Peoples art Dubin 5

National Botanic Gardens – Dublin

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 11
National Botanic Gardens – Dublin
Photography : Nigel Borrington

National Botanic Gardens – Dublin

The images here were taken during a visit to the Botanic Gardens Dublin.

These Gardens are one of the best in the country and a wonderful location for flower and nature photography during the summer months.

The following web page is the official site and is a great source for all activities and descriptions of the history and purpose of these internationally respected gardens.

National Botanic Gardens – Dublin

The images I posted here are from a days visit , late summer 2013. There are many great things to see and places to eat here so you can spend a full day just browsing and learning.


Dublin National Botanic Gardens 5

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 2

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 3

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 4

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 12

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 6

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 7

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 1

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 8

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 9

Dublin National Botanic Gardens 10


A friend indeed! : Nandi Mhlongo

Two friends at the National Botanic Gardens 1

I have a friend, a friend in word & a friend indeed.
A friend who loves me with all friends being & I love friend too.
My friend rejuvenates me
A friend of my youth,
A friend indeed!

Two friends at the National Botanic Gardens 4

I have a friend in word, my friend reminds me of my purpose in life
I can exhale with my friend by my side
My friend is good to me
A friend indeed!

Two friends at the National Botanic Gardens 2

When my friend is gone, I miss my friend already
But my friend has gone home because I am home for now
But the truth is our home is in our friendship.
I have a friend, a friend indeed!

My friend in word is my friend indeed and my friend in need.
Friendship is all we need & we have.
I have a friend a friend indeed!

Two friends at the National Botanic Gardens 3
Nikon D700, 24mm focus length, iso 100
National Botanic Gardens, Dublin
Nigel Borrington

All images Taken at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin 2012

Playing even when no one is listening

No one is listening

This image was taken in the court yard of IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art), in Dublin last year. I don’t take enough street images these days although anything is back on the cards.

The image cannot get across just how good this musician was and how good the court yard was for him to play in.

A much bigger thing hit me about this moment however and that was the fact that he had only three people to listen to him in such a large space, it was a Tuesday afternoon in August 2012 at about 2:15pm.

Again in an effort to look for inspiration I think this was just one of those moments you come across that in the big picture of things can mean nothing and everything at the same time. If you want to pass this by then its very easy to do so, however if you get the moment you can see everything you need in it.

What I got from this moment was…

I think the times we are living through have left many people without anyone to listen or even stop and take note of what they are trying to offer. The arts have suffered very badly but it’s everywhere, small business, hotels, jobs, arts and well anything you care to add.

That’s still not what this moment outside IMMA was all about however; it was the fact that this musician had selected such a large open space to play in and was playing so well to only three people.

Just like yesterdays post and the artist I talked about, keeping playing and productive even when no one is buying, listening or taking note is actually what it’s all about. It’s how you still have something to offer when someone is listening again.

I hope that one year on he is now playing to many more but even if he isn’t yet I have a feeling that one day he will be!

Irish winter weather, 2011/2012

Phoenix Park, January 2010

Phoenix Park, January 2010, Irish winter weather for 2011/2012

From reading the Below report it looks like this winter could be just as much fun as the last two.

Forecaster predicts brutal UK winter weather for 2011-2012

UK-based long range weather forecaster has issued a severe winter weather warning for 2011-2012. The advisory has been issued following one of the coldest winters experienced in Ireland and Britain more than 45 years. James Madden from weather organization Exacta Weather correctly predicted the harsh conditions experienced over the last two years, and is once again forecasting record-breaking snowfall and freezing temperatures during November, December and January. One of Madden’s primary methods of analyzing long range weather conditions is his analysis of solar cycles. Last week Irish Weather Online carried a story from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) stating that a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles are signs that our Sun is heading for a rest period even as it is acting up for the first time in years. Dr. Frank Hill, associate director of the NSO’s Solar Synoptic Network, said of the results: “this could be the last solar maximum we’ll see for a few decades. That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth’s climate. National newspapers, including the Irish Independent and Irish Times, subsequently carried stories warning that a decrease in solar activity will bring Arctic Winters to Ireland and Britain over the coming decades. Commenting on the solar cycle, James Madden said: “Periods of low solar activity at present and what we have seen in recent years influence the Earth’s atmosphere by allowing the stratosphere to cool. This has a somewhat more profound effect over Northern Europe and the UK in terms of colder and snowier winters, due to jet stream patterns that block warm air from reaching us and create more moisture.”

“Although sunspot activity has increased somewhat this year and there has been an increase in solar flare activity, the activity is minuscule in comparison to what it should be like during a solar maximum and in terms of frequency. Periods of low solar activity such as this have future repercussions of low solar activity in future cycles and produce extra cloud cover that reflects sunlight with a cooling influence on Earth. The lack of major sunspots and solar flares clearly indicate a slower conveyor belt within the sun. We are now in a very weak solar maximum and my observations indicate that the next solar cycle will also be weak”, he added. Mr. Madden also said that the dust and ash particles released by the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland and Chile would also contribute to cooling down of global temperatures. He said he expected the 2011-2012 winter to follow a similar pattern in terms of how November and December was in 2010 for the vast majority of the coming winter. “It will be exceptionally cold and snowy with well below average temperatures. I fully expect to see records broken with the highlands of Scotland being once again particularly hard hit. It is therefore vital to start preparing now in terms of high energy bills and raising awareness amongst the most vulnerable and elderly people of society”, Mr. Madden concluded. -IWO

Ref: Forecaster predicts brutal UK winter weather for 2011-2012

The Image is of Phoenix Park – Dublin, in January this year, under about a foot of Snow.

Kilkenny photographer: Nigel Borrington