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Posts tagged “Vatican Museums

A Fellow Man, A Humanist Poem : Tom White

Bramante Staircase Vatican Museums  Vatican City State; Nigel Borrington

Bramante Staircase
Vatican Museums, Vatican City State, Rome;
Nigel Borrington

A Fellow Man

A Humanist Poem : Tom White

I have no prayers or charms of faith
If God there be, He’ll know my weight
If God be nought, I’ll still do good
And practice justice as I should

We should not seek reward to do
What decency expects us to
Should Heaven be a kingly court
I’ll go elsewhere to prove my worth

division of man

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve sought belief
But lust for faith brought no relief
Mere logic leaves me where I stand
I am not blest, nor am I damned

I seek to do what good I can
I am your friend, a fellow man.