Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “Nier valley

Sunday Evening, Last light and the evening Star, Nier Valley, County Waterford, Ireland

Sunday evening
The Evening Star
Nier Valley
County Waterford
Nigel Borrington

Link : Nier Valley National Parks & Wildlife Service

The Weather today here in Ireland has given us one of the best days for weeks, In the afternoon we did a 10km walk around the Nier Valley in Country Waterford. This walk is high-up in the hills and it was about 4:30pm as we returned to the Car, the Sun was setting and I got these shots of the Last sunlight of this weekend.

What a perfect walk and end to the weekend …..

Landscape drawing, Boolabrien lower, nier valley, county Waterford.

The view of boolabrien lower nier valley ireland nigel borrington

The view of
boolabrien lower
nier valley
nigel borrington

The Nire valley in county waterford offers some of the most amazing landscape views in the south east of Ireland, I used a Wacom MobileStudio Pro tablet to draw this sketch of one of my favorite positions, sitting on an old stone seat that looks across at the farm fields as they slowly make their way up into the hills above.

The first Snow of the Winter , Gallery

Irish Landscapes Nier Valley  County Waterford  Nigel Borrington

Irish Landscapes
Nire Valley
County Waterford
Nigel Borrington

This Morning many parts of Ireland awoke to the first Snows of the Winter, Snow in November while not unusual is early for Ireland. Maybe its a sign of the winter weather that’s ahead of us, in any-case I just had to get out this morning and capture as many images as I could 🙂

Here are just a few from an early morning walk through the Nire Valley , county Waterford …….

Nire Valley , County Waterford – the first Snows of Winter









Milk hill, Nire Valley, County Waterford

Milk hill Nier Valley black and white
Milk hill, Nire valley, county Waterford.
Irish photography, Irish Landscape photography : Nigel Borrington

Black and white photography remains one of by biggest photographic interests, I just love the tones that can be developed from some landscape images.

The day I took this image the weather was very mixed with showers and strong sunny intervals, this allowed for very mixed lighting on the fields below in the Nire Valley, Waterford. I processed this black and white image from the original colour photo sometime later, I just love the strong contrasts and tone produced.