Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “crows

The Crow, a winter time art project …..

The crows
A winters art project 2020/2021
Nigel Borrington

The Crows

A winter time art project, Digital painting created using a Wacom art tablet and taken from a photographic study of our local landscape and the Crows that have made it their winter home.

I feel today’s painting is a big step closer to the final paintings I am hoping to create, I like this composition much more than my last painting and I feel that I am now starting to represent the crows and the movement they create in our winter fields much better….

Winter Art Project 2020/21, Crows in a winter Landscape …..

Winter Art Project 2020
Crows in a Winter sky
Digital art
Nigel Borrington

Winter is coming once again, a poem

Winter and the Crows Slievenamon  County Tipperary Nigel Borrington

Winter and the Crows
County Tipperary
Nigel Borrington

Winter Is Coming once Again

The sky is filled with broken light,
The Sun is hidden by deep snow filled clouds,
There’s a chillness to the air,
I feel it everywhere,
All through the days and nights;
Winter is coming.

The Crows fly above Slievenamon
hunting harder then before, and the ground below
Is hard beneath wing and claw,
The trees stand bare of leaves and fruits,
And all around
Is still, Silent;
Winter is coming.

The sun will soon be gone,
Obscured by cloud,
The rivers and lakes begin to freeze,
The wind will bend the trees
Until they’re bowed
In supplication.
Winter is coming, once again.

Only the dead will feed hungry crows:
Mice, rabbits, sparrows.
The light fades from the Sun
Now darker days have come,
for the high crow, cold bites to the marrow,
And Winter is here.

The Storm Crow Calls. By, John W. McEwers

The Crow 1
The storm Crow
Landscape Photography, Nigel Borrington

The Storm Crow Calls

By, John W. McEwers

It sounds like rain
big rain
the kind that hurts
if you tip your face back
and catch drops on your tongue, ill advised.

But whether the rain hits hard or you stay inside
it screams thunder, and you must pay
attention enough to hear
the storm crows call,
telling you you aren’t safe
or strong enough
or big enough
or happy enough

but you dont know better
and you believe him when he calls
and the storm crow gets your goat
in his talons.