Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing


Kilkenny Time-Lapse Landscape, 45mins compressed into 15sec , 29th Jan 2018

This Time-Lapse Video was taken at Lunchtime today, the 29th January 2018.

The videos is produced by taking some 400 individual images , taken over a period of 45mins in total. These images have then being compressed into a 15 seconds long video with the sounds of the local bird life added to the Video using the video editing application KDENLIVE installed on Ubuntu Linux.

Landscape Video, Time Lapse and the flow of the river …

Time lapse video, created using a slow shutter speed to blur the water and then added into a time-Lapse video.

Landscape Time Lapse Video, Snow clouds over slievenamon

Have you ever wondered why clouds cling to a mountain top, I took this Time-Lapse video this evening as the Sun started to set over Slievenamon, county Tipperary . As you can see as the clouds move away from the top of the mountain, they evaporate into nothing. I think this is because the air away from the peak is warmer?

I have been learning to create some time lapse video since the new year and have started to love creating some 10sec clips. For very reason that you start to see more clearly what is going on in the world around you when you view it accelerated, these clouds are a great example 🙂