Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “Travel images

Glasgow 20-20

Glasgow 20-20
|Street Photography
Glasgow Scotland
Nigel Borrington

We just returned from a great long weekend in Glasgow, Scotland, visiting many of the city’s great attractions. Glasgow has always been one of my most loves European cities with its great river and surrounding mountains, stunning Victorian architecture including central station and its many hotels and city blocks.

What a wonderful weekend, the weather was perfect for the two full days, blue blue sky’s and it was warm for March 🙂 🙂

One evening in Seville, Spain








Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday  Nigel Borrington

Roman Holiday
Nigel Borrington

Happy New year everyone 🙂

I spend sometime and a great time over Christmas and New year in Rome, the weather was amazing and I just love Rome !!

I will share many more images in the coming days but for now I just wanted to share a few images from this wonderful city …..

Views of  Rome 1

Views of  Rome 2

Views of  Rome 3

Views of  Rome 4

Views of  Rome 5

Views of  Rome 6

Roman Holiday  Nigel Borrington

Roman Holiday
Nigel Borrington