Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

Posts tagged “horizon.

The week of the Winter Solstice: The Sun Starts to move again after standing Still on the horizon.

End of the Winter Solstice 2017
Nigel Borrington

Today the 24th Christmas eve marks the first day since the 21st that the Sun can be recorded as having moved its position when it setting, on the Horizon. The word Solstice itself means “standing still” and it is an amazing fact of nature that for the three days that follow the shortest day of the year in the North, the Sun does not change the position that it falls below the horizon at in the evenings.

Here are some more details about the Solstice on the web site : The Sun Stands Still

To mark this event here are some of my sunset images posted here on my blog over the last two years ….

Galley of sunsets